1 March 1991
(With Recorder)
The General Services Administration has authorized the use of this Commercial Item Description.
This Commercial Item Description covers a fetal heart monitor with recorder, capable of both antepartum and intrapartum monitoring.
Salient characteristics:
The fetal heart monitor with recorder shall be capable of antepartum and intrapartum monitoring.
The system shall be capable of internal (direct) ECG heart rate monitoring. The system shall be capable of monitoring fetal heart rate externally with pulsed Doppler ultrasound incorporating autocorrelation signal processing technology.
The monitor shall be capable of dual ultrasonic heart rate monitoring to allow for the simultaneous noninvasive monitoring of twins.
The monitor shall measure uterine pressure both internally (by intrauterine pressure transducer) the externally (by tocodynamometer). The system shall be capable of digitally displaying fetal heart rate and uterine pressure.
The monitor shall have an operator controlled event marker for identification of the onset of a particular event on the strip-chart recorder.
The fetal heart monitor shall incorporate an integral, dual channel strip chart recorder capable of providing a continuous record of fetal heart rate and uterine activity as well as the operator controlled “event” marking. The strip
DISTRIBUTION STATEMENT A. Approved for public release; distribution is unlimited.
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