27. Unit shall provide recording at variable speeds to compress ECG recording. Rhythm strip recording speeds shall be available at the operator option at nominal speeds of at least 25 and 50 mm/sec, accurate to plus or minus 5 percent for time intervals between 0.2 and 2.0 seconds.
28. Unit shall permit the tracking of time from the beginning of each recording. Time shall be annotated when a recording is initiated. Time of ECG acquisition shall be annotated and invariable, not subject to deletion.
29. Unit shall provide standardization signal to be injected automatically in all leads for instrument calibration check.
30. Linearity shall be plus or minus 5 percent (plus or minus 10 mV).
31. Decay time (time constant) shall be such that 3mm or more shall remain from an initial 10mm deflection after an elapsed time of 3.2 seconds. Initial decay shall not exceed 5 percent in the first 0.2 seconds.
32. The unit shall be capable of displaying an ECG signal in the presence of pacemaker pulses with amplitudes between 2 and 250 mV, duration of 0.1 to 2.0 msec, a rise time of less than 100 microseconds, and a frequency of 100 pulse/min. For pacemaker pulses having durations between 0.5 and 2.0 msec, an indication of the pacemaker pulse shall be visible on the recording; this indication on the display shall have an amplitude of at least 0.2 mV.
33. Unit shall be supplied complete with all required interfacing and auxiliary equipment, accessories and disposable consumables necessary for immediate, full operation of bedside analysis.
34. The unit shall be of a rugged construction capable of withstanding hazards of normal use in a hospital setting.
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