chart recorder shall provide for operator selected speeds of one (1) and three (3) cm/min. The record shall be annotated with the time, date, chart speed, and mode of operation (ultra or FCG).
The system shall have the capability to annotate the strip chart recording with operator entered alpha/numeric patient identification data.
The monitor shall have the capability for use as either a stand-alone, bed-side monitor or as a component of a central monitoring system. The compatibility is intended only for central systems of the offeror’s manufacturer.
The monitor shall interface with noninvasive blood pressure monitors and shall record the measured systolic, diastolic, and mean blood pressures, and pulse rate on the strip chart.
Heart rate indicator shall function accurately (plus or minus 5 percent) over the range of 30/210 BPM (Beats Per Minute).
The uterine activity channel shall display zero to 100 millimeters of mercury of uterine pressure.
The vertical scale on the monitor paper shall be one centimeter equals 30 beats per minute heart rate, and one centimeter equals 25 millimeters of mercury of pressure.
The system shall either have a paper collection tray or shall be provided with a standard monitor cart that otherwise provides for proper collection of the monitor paper.
The monitor shall have the capability of recording and displaying both Doppler and direct ECG signals simultaneously.
The unit shall be of a rugged construction capable of withstanding hazards of normal use in a hospital setting.
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